Angie Thomas

2 min readMay 17, 2021

Author Spotlight


2017 Goodreads Choice Awards Best Debut Goodreads Author

2017 Goodreads Choice Awards Best Young Adult Fiction

2018 Goodreads Choice Awards Best of the Best

The Hate U GIVE

This book captures the essence of a black individual growing up in a world where people remain oblivious to racial injustice. The Hate U Give is inspired by the tragic events of men and women who have lost their lives to racial injustice. Star, the main character, witnesses the murder of her best friend at the hands of police officers. Her already complicated world is turned upside down. She faces intimidation, prejudice, and heartache.

On the Come Up

This is a homage to hip hop. This story captures the rise of power. Young black boys and girls don’t have the same opportunities as others. Thomas flaunts her love and understanding of hip hop. This music genre influences many people. Everyone listens to hip hop and the messages it presents to us. Bri, the main character, is an aspiring rapper. Her late father was a legendary rapper who she aspires to surpass. However, when her mother loses her job, Bri’s dream is that much farther away, but still within reach.


Initially, Thomas struggled to publish her Manuscript for The Hate U Give. People didn’t see the topic as marketable. The subject matter apparently was not as attractive as vampires or werewolves. The industry remained out of touch with what the world was really going through. It took some time, but an editor enjoyed the pitch enough to read the manuscript. After many more tragic events, people realized these issues are rooted deep in society. It’s all the more reason to have more diversity in the publishing field. Thomas based the title of The Hate U Give off of Tupac. The late rappers used his music as a form of activism, just like author.


FunFact: Thomas pitched her story on Twitter. Whatever secret formula Thomas is using, I need it. Now, I highly recommend following the hip-hop expert author on Twitter. She brings awareness to things like social injustice, other black authors, and even basketball.

“That’s the problem. We let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What’s the point of having a voice if you’re gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn’t be?” — Angie Thomas

Why you should read

It’s better to read about the experience than to live through the event. People need to read this book to understand what is going on in the world. Books are meant to bridge experiences and even people together. A lot of individuals remain oblivious to the hate that is in the world. This book shows us the hatred but does not embrace it. Hope should be our focus.

